Learn What Law School Failed To Teach You
Want To Protect Your Reputation
Without Snoring Through The Ethics Book?
Solo Practice Protection is the groundbreaking course I created for solo attorneys like you! Risk management teams take care of large firms. But law school never taught you how to run and protect your solo practice. So I’m here to help you fill in the gaps.
After working through this interactive, self-paced course you will:
Renew your mindset surrounding your solo practice
Clarify the types of clients you want to work with (and develop a smart strategy for targeting them)
Manage your time so that you can enjoy the life you’ve dreamed of
Channel your inner boss (release your fears about running your solo practice)
A Word From Your Ethics Coach & Course Guide
Solo Practice Protection is the course I wish I had when I launched my firm. Many solo practitioners just don’t know what they don’t know. That became painfully clear after I defended one good solo attorney after another.
Fast Forward To Several Years Later
I’m proud to say I’ve helped many solo practitioners transform their solo practice. Now SPP is my gift to you. I want to help you take preventative steps to stay out of trouble. If you’re ready to commit to the process, register to get notified the moment doors open.